Volunteer at an HS Event and Support North Marion

From left to right were the team members: Raymond Magana, David Snow, Thomas Bonser, and Kevin Guzman.

Are you looking to get more involved in your student’s school, but aren’t sure where to start? One way to start is by volunteering for an event — and there happens to be a tournament coming up in Aurora.

The North Marion Voltmasters Robotics Club will be hosting its first robotics tournament of the season on Nov. 19 at the High School, and the team needs your support! 

The event organizers are seeking volunteers to help with judging, scoring, queuing, fieldsetting, staffing concessions, and running the hospitality room. 

“May good karma spread to those who volunteer to spend a wonderful day with some enthusiastic robotics students!” NM Voltmasters Robotics Club Adviser Sherie Moran said. “We can't do it without you.”

Please find volunteer forms on our website. To find out how to help, contact volunteer Veronica Muñoz at veronica.munoz@nmarion.k12.or.us or Moran at sherie.moran@nmarion.k12.or.us.